Uses of Class

Packages that use LayeredPosition

Uses of LayeredPosition in org.molwind.model

Fields in org.molwind.model declared as LayeredPosition
static LayeredPosition LayeredPosition.ORIGIN

Methods in org.molwind.model that return LayeredPosition
 LayeredPosition Tile.getPosition()
          Get the layered coordinates of this tile.

Methods in org.molwind.model with parameters of type LayeredPosition
 Tile TileGenerator.generateTile(LayeredPosition position)
          Generates a tile for the given position.

Uses of LayeredPosition in org.molwind.view

Methods in org.molwind.view that return LayeredPosition
 LayeredPosition AbstractTile.getPosition()
          Get the Position value.

Methods in org.molwind.view with parameters of type LayeredPosition
 void Tiles.addTile(LayeredPosition position, Tile tile)
          Adds a tile to the tile cache.
 Tile TileGenerator.generateTile(LayeredPosition position)
          Generates a tile from the given position.
 Tile Tiles.getTile(LayeredPosition position)
          Returns a tile from the tile cache for the given position.
 java.util.Iterator TopologyManager.getVisibleEntities(LayeredPosition position)
          Determines the visible entities for the given position.
abstract  java.util.Iterator AbstractTopologyManager.getVisibleEntities(LayeredPosition position)
          Determines the visible entities for the given position.
 void AbstractTile.setPosition(LayeredPosition newPosition)
          Set the Position value.
 void Tiles.writeTile(LayeredPosition position, output)
          Writes the image of a tile for the given position to an output stream.

Constructors in org.molwind.view with parameters of type LayeredPosition
AbstractTile(LayeredPosition newPosition)

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