Uses of Interface

Packages that use Relationship

Uses of Relationship in org.molwind.graph

Methods in org.molwind.graph that return Relationship
 Relationship EntityEdge.getRelationship()
          Get the Relationship value.
 Relationship DefaultEntityEdge.getRelationship()
          Get the Relationship value.

Methods in org.molwind.graph with parameters of type Relationship
 void DefaultEntityGraph.addEdge(java.lang.String vertexId1, java.lang.String vertexId2, Relationship relation, int weight)
          Adds a relationship edge between vertex vertexId1 and vertex vertexId2.
 void EntityGraph.addEdge(java.lang.String vertexId1, java.lang.String vertexId2, Relationship relation, int weight)
          Adds a relationship edge between vertex vertexId1 and vertex vertexId2.
 void EntityEdge.setRelationship(Relationship newRelation)
          Set the Relationship value.
 void DefaultEntityEdge.setRelationship(Relationship newRelation)
          Set the Relationship value.

Uses of Relationship in org.molwind.model

Classes in org.molwind.model that implement Relationship
 class BaseRelationship
          BaseRelationship specifies a basic relationship type.
 class PartOf
          PartOf relationship type.

Methods in org.molwind.model that return Relationship
 Relationship[] BaseWorldEntity.getRelationship(Relationship relation)
          Searches the relationships for the given relationship.

Methods in org.molwind.model with parameters of type Relationship
 void BaseWorldEntity.addRelationship(Relationship relation)
          Adds a relationship object to this entity.
 boolean BaseWorldEntity.existRelationship(Relationship relation)
          Tests whether the given relationship already exists.
 Relationship[] BaseWorldEntity.getRelationship(Relationship relation)
          Searches the relationships for the given relationship.
 boolean BaseRelationship.matches(Relationship relation)
          Match the given relationship.
 boolean PartialMatch.matches(Relationship relation)
          Match the given relationship.

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